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Aerochrome 16mm 400ft

This film stock has been sold out for some time. It is possible that more will be cut sometime in the future. If you have an interest in this product, write me a mail and I will have you on a mailing list for that, if it ever happens.

Aerochrome 16mm 400ft

  • Certainly, this film was never designed for motion picture film and using it as such presents several challenges. This is a fast film to be using in a cine camera (400 ISO). There are a few approaches to getting the film down to a managable exposure. 

    There are a few tricks you absolutely need to know. I did a lot of testing in various ways and wasted a clump of money doing it. For what it's worth, my test reels can be seen at:

    I passed this all on to Mr. Richard Mosse for his outstanding project. We met a few times and I gave him a detailed run down and there are quite few crucial things you need to know. Pity he has never referenced me once. Thanks Mate!

    All the film stock from those projects is old by now. There is some floating around, but it's 2004 stock and was already showing serious signs of damage in 2011. A few rolls that I shot were completely bad.

    I spend my waking days trying to get 16mm and other formats together, but the Aerochrome era is at its end. I'll keep it alive as long as possible folks.

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